What is MoVillage

Legacy Book and Photobook Creation

A true legacy can simply be some good ole shared positive wisdom left in words or told in a story for someone to carry thru their lifetime. Leave a true legacy! 21st century technology makes book writing easier now. (Bookemon.com – Affiliate Partner)

MoVillage Themes

Submit positive wisdom-filled stories.

MoVillage Merchandise

The New Age Entrepreneurs

Weekly ZEN

Take a timeout. Even though you are still on Social Media. Take a positive break and take in some ZEN time. (Subscriber submitted content used).

Positive Generational Projects

More Future Enhancements and positive interactive features on the horizon!

What Is MoVillage


GG = Greatest Gen – 1901 – 1927

SG = Silent Gen – 1928 – 1945

BB = Baby Boomer – 1946 – 1964

GX = Gen X – 1965 – 1980

MM = Millennials – 1981 – 1995

GZ = Gen Z – 1996 – 2010

GA = Gen A – 2011 – 2025

Positive Wisdom of the Week!

Famous Quotes For the Mindset

“Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth”

 Muhammad Ali

“We can’t become what we need to be by remaining what we are.”

 –Oprah Winfrey

“If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.”

-Milton Berle

“You don’t have to be great to start.  But you have to start to be great.”

-Zig Zilger

The MoVillage logo is a registered trademark (TM) and it and MoVillage.com are owned and operated by MoVillage, LLC.
