jcmor83 – Gen-Xer
Life and Chess. I recognized some time ago, once I started learning how to play chess, how much similarity you can find between the two. A board game that helps with a self-awareness of patience, and strategy to navigate and win. I also use Chess to represent a personal pathway and reminder to always try to get smarter, more educated and to gain more skills.

A major part of learning Chess is understanding the strengths and weaknesses of all the pieces, such as the King, Queen, Pawns, Bishops, Knights and Rooks (I compare them to myself and people), with the board and strategies being my life path and landscape. Learn the game and see how in some ways it resembles life in a way that in order to win, you have to develop patience #1 and make your moves based on your gained insight and knowledge about yourself and your opponent. Lessons are learned along the way because there will be mistakes made and you will need to learn from them. So, be attentive, and learn to be calm, humble, aggressive, and cautious all at once. And if you do make mistakes, you just have to learn from them and move on. Just no repeats. Life is too short to live in regret and ignorance. And just like when you lose a piece on the board, don’t wallow in the loss, move on from it as a learn. And always make good use of your moves by paying attention so that opportunities can be recognized, understanding that even small moves can make a large impact.

These are just some of the comparisons of the game of chess to life. So, pump up your Chess! Lots of wisdom to be gained!

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