jcmor83 – GenExer

“Give them their flowers while they are here”.

This was a saying I first heard my grandmother say and it has been one of those things that has stuck with me and for me, these two career fields in the past few years, deserve a whole lot of flowers.  Health care workers and educators are at the top of my list for who should always receive a “Thank you”.  Their efforts sometimes go unnoticed and are underappreciated.

In the military, a special coin is sometimes given to servicemembers as a memento and sign of appreciation or thank you for a job well done.  The gesture is also performed by others.  I cannot physically give health care workers and educators a coin, but if I could, I would.  Just to represent a big thank you to them and ALL others who have served others during these difficult times.

Who deserve flowers from you? Groups, individuals, etc.


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