Always Count Your Blessings

jcmor83- Gen-Xer:

“Remember that your relationship with God is a personal one.  But always have one.”  Wisdom from a grandmother.

For me, as far as the timing of WHEN blessings come, I have grown to understand that my OWN personal time pieces, timetables and crystal balls that I used to keep (in my head) and think that those blessings were coming when I thought I was ready for them.  For my blessings, they have not come like that, and I am thankful to be able to see what is necessary for blessings to come my way.  My mantra is that you first and foremost have to do your part.  “Do what you do and let God handle the rest” and of course…..PRAY with action behind it.  Pray without worry, but with FAITH and lastly, remember, prayer without works is dead.

Brief celebrations of stories of blessings are welcome.  What’s yours?

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