jcmor83, Gen-Xer:

I know, my small book reading collection isn’t much, but, thru my re-focus on my personal growth, reading more is an area I have sought to improve upon.  Not only for the health and knowledge benefit, but for being able to have another one of those limited places where you can find a place of peace, at least for me.  My book reading attitude hasn’t always been like that, but I’m thankful for the growth and while also sharing my re-focus on reading, I also wanted to share the ‘Unicorn” sighting I had a couple of years ago, that added to the start of my re-focus on reading more.

In summary, the story was that while I was out on an appointment one day, as I was leaving the establishment, I noticed a mother with her 3 children who had to be between the ages of 5 and 10 years old, entering the same establishment.  What I saw in all 3 of those children’s hands was like seeing a Unicorn for me.  They all had books.  Not phones, but books.  I compare it to a Unicorn sighting because these days to see kids without phones and with books outside of school, was in these days a delightful rarity.  Don’t forget the books!

Shared Wisdom Opportunity: 

  1.  What is/are the best book(s) you have read?
  2. (Mentors) What is the best book you would advise a mentee to read?
  3. (Mentees/Youth) What is the best book you would advise a mentor to read?

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