jcmor83 – Gen-Xer:

At the center of it ALL!  GOD and FAMILY.  Family can be by blood or sometimes NOT.  Family is generational but by our own design sometimes.  But FAMILY is still the CENTER.  The wisdom and reference we communicate and all share with each other is a key component to filling in the generational gaps.  Shared WISDOM and REFERENCE…  It’s a generational concept for growth.  Keep providing that wisdom and reference FAM!

What’s your Generational Tag? (See below)

What was the Last Piece of strong general Positive Wisdom you shared with a family member.


GG = Greatest Gen – 1901 – 1927
SG = Silent Gen – 1928 – 1945
BB = Baby Boomer – 1946 – 1964
GX = Gen X – 1965 – 1980
M = Millennials – 1981 – 1995
GZ = Gen Z – 1996 – 2010
GA = Gen A – 2011 – 2025



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