jcmor83 – Gen-Xer:

Soak up and absorb the positive.  Find the positive in the negative.  It is always there.  It may not be in plain view.  But there is a positive in everything.  Yeah, I know, easier said than done.  But for me, it has become a mindset that started with what was instilled in me from home.  Then, as I got older, I lost my way on practicing this and forgot how important it is to practice this.  Hitting the wall of negativity in many areas of my life had me returning (thank God) to the understanding of this philosophy and its’ impact and importance when navigating thru life.

Using different positive thinking strategies is a great start.  Also, within social media great resources reside and the place I love the most are the positive thinking, positive vibe sites that promote positivity, such as this one.  One of the many positive thinking strategies I had to use in my life began with my military experience and in a very MAJOR make or break area I had to flip the script and turn a negative into a positive.  It had to do with an area of performance in the Army that I really was not good at or did not like and that was running.  I hated running.  In the Army you trained for the running portion of your annual physical fitness test.  The negative.  I knew that if I did not find a solution about my attitude towards running, I was going to fail.  That was not an option.

The solution.  I decided that my mindset change had to occur if I wanted to be successful.  The time to no longer distaste running was gone and time to embrace running.  Find someone to train with — (Thanks Chris – my brother (RIP!!), Start leading others with running by calling cadence during unit runs.  By flipping the script and changing my mindset, I found myself leading runs, calling cadence and no longer finding myself in a “I hate running” mindset, when there was no way to escape that turmoil, I was putting on myself, except by correcting myself thru a change to POSITIVE mindset.  #1 criteria….You got to want to.  That is the start.  Can’t fool yourself though, so don’t try.  It must be a genuine committed effort to yourself to seek the positive.  If you think you deserve the positive, then you have to act and think accordingly to coincide with receiving the POSITIVE.  Tell negativity to find a new home.

Do you have a positive story where you had to tell negativity to leave?


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