jcmor83 – Gen-Xer:

Life is built on a day-to-day model.  365 days of potential challenges and celebrations at every turn.  We know these as facts.  Have you prepared yourself?  With these obvious facts in mind sometimes for some (including myself), it is possible to lose sight of the daily approach required to conquer and win each day in life.  And also, some may not have learned or mastered the daily approach.  I am still learning myself and figuring out the positive things that help me love life.

But when it hit me years ago, I realized this was a process I had to learn.  Or else, I was going to struggle with loving life, and I did not want that.  And now that I have past that period in my life, I’m sharing that after ups and downs I had to learn LOVE of Life.  I also found after navigating my own way about this, how prevalent it is today.  That some people struggle with the same.   Again, I can relate because I was there some years and years ago.  It has taken me some time to understand, but I feel blessed to have arrived and be so far away now from NOT loving life and using the mug above to be a daily focus.  Daily attitude.

First and foremost, I can share with you that the #1 thing you have got to master is your mindset.  Your attitude towards life and living has to change before you will see change.  Lean on a parent or mentor to help with the mindset change.  And, yes, times are tough.  But life still has so much positivity and positive things and people to offer you and your life growth effort.  What is also important that I have learned is that your life and growth support architecture need to be built properly around you.  You yourself may have to clean some of that up with changes, etc.  But that is important.  And yes, negativity has increased, especially in the past 10 years.  That is why you have to change your mindset and every day take on the attitude of the mug.  Wake up. Be Awesome.  Repeat.  Just remember to give that “mean mug” to negativity when it comes around.  When you have that positive, “I AM AWESOME” spirit, the world is a better place with you in it. Let no one or any feeling tell you different.  Be Awesome.  LOVE LIFE.

In my life outside of those closest to me, and God, music is a part of life I just love.  Like Stevie Wonder named one of his albums – “Songs in the Key of Life”…my love in life is with music.

What do you love the most and most thankful about in your life?

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