MoVillage Merchandise is a Positive and Empowerment based online magazine created from MoVillage, LLC, which promotes literacy improvement efforts thru reading and writing, leadership/mentorship stories and positive generational wisdom sharing and career development tips.

Created by a Gen-Xer, Dad of 3, and a military veteran with a passion for good leadership and mentorship (in and outside of the military). The target audience are for those that also see the strength and value in combining the WISDOM and ENERGY of our ELDERS with the ENERGY and WISDOM of our YOUTH!!

At you can create, read, view and share Positive wisdom-filled content.

If interested in sharing stories and content – Send an email to: —  SUBJECT:  Content Submission

On the site you can also:

1. Build a “gift” to share, by way of a “Legacy Book”.
Built by our Affiliate Partner – Bookemon —

2. Contribute and Read Positive thought provoking and empowering wisdom-filled stories and videos.

3. Share and Read about some of our personal Leadership and Career Development Tips. (Shared Experiences, blogs and tools) — Example: Go to College, Obtain a Skill or Both??

4. Empowerment stories that Contribute and build on our “Health is Wealth” Blog and VLog Section. (Spiritual, Physical, Mental, Emotional, Financial – The order on how you rank is your own, but master all of these and watch the growth and success magnify and multiply!

5. Contributions to “The Music Life” – A celebration of the love of music. Where did that Passion come from??

6. Resources for my Veteran brothers and sisters. My best experience ever. The people that serve to defend our shores are phenomenal.

And more growth to come…..

Don’t forget to get started creating your Legacy Book to gift to someone you want to see succeed.  See a preview of my own Legacy Book (below) to get some ideas OR create your own with your favorite pictures, stories, recipes, etc.  We should all try to continue preserve and to share POSITIVE wisdom.  A legacy in its’ truest form.

CLICK the Bookemon logo below to get started.

Ordering Deadline for this round is 3 October 2023.

$10.00 from each purchase will be donated to  for this edition and round.

Don’t forget to also look for the Bookemon link so that you can get started creating and personalizing your Legacy Book to gift to someone you want to see succeed. (wisdom, photos, family stories, recipes, etc.)

Here are some examples of some produced videos for your enjoyment.
1. "Lumps and Flour"
2. "Pump up Your Chess" CHESS =
Healing and growth
Evolving towards
Success and more

THE STORY BEHIND THE LOGO — The MoVillage LOGO is now an officially Trademarked entity, per the USPTO (US Patent and Trademark Office).


Normally she (my late grandmother) would have shoo’d me away from taking her picture. In this instance she was seemingly deeply reflecting in a place of peace and did not mind, while gazing at the beauty of the Pacific Ocean, while visiting the island of Oahu while in visiting in Hawaii. In that moment and in that capture of her, it also reminded me of how much she liked to write and document her thoughts, etc. Those passed on passions and qualities are amazing when they show up! We truly do sometimes become what impresses us the most.


Like many, I grew up without a Father, but I never have been Fatherless. Fortunately, mentors and strong leaders have been very prevalent throughout my life’s travels and remains that way today. Seeking and sharing positive wisdom and valuable life skill information is also passion for me as well as motivating others as learned in both my home and work environments.

We can also learn many things from our youth. Yes, reverse mentoring can be a very positive thing as well. Young people have a lot to offer and besides they are the future.  So, with this mindset, I’ve recently rededicated myself to break the cycle of negativity.  And also in my life I have learned that great positive leaders and mentors are a real treasure. One piece of shared wisdom that was once provided to me by my greatest mentor was to always seek and have a spiritual foundation in your life. From the cradle to the grave, we all have to walk in life’s paths which includes different phases of GROWTH.

Life includes preparation, wisdom, success, failure, progression, setbacks, decisions and choices just to name a few. This all leads to and is inclusive of preparing ourselves and others for life and positive efforts towards growth. It is never too late or too early to strengthen the generational bonds and in fact, as we grow older and wiser, we realize as parents and mentors that those type things are most important in life. Combining the WISDOM and ENERGY of our ELDERS with the ENERGY and WISDOM of our YOUTH!

We definitely need to continue to provide MO’ of it! Both regular mentoring and ‘reverse mentoring’ have very high value and are time tested.  It’s been my experience that we can always learn from one another and maintain practicing that Golden Rule.


Just like I am about to do, you can send us a favorite picture that you would like to see silhouetted and imposed on the MoVillage logo.  My grown ups are about to have their MoVillage Christmas products created.

If you are interested in doing the same in the next order window, we will be providing subscribers with an opportunity to order MoVillage merch with their own submitted silhouette of one of their favorite pics that will be imposed with the Movillage logo.

Email us at  if you are interested in this concept.

We will provide you with instructions after the October 3rd 2023 ordering window closes.   Thank you in advance for your support.

The MoVillage logo is a registered trademark (TM) and it and are owned and operated by MoVillage, LLC
