jcmor83- Gen-Xer

In life you have to make choices.  You make those choices based on the best information you have.  The best-case scenario is that you have REFERENCE (or experience) to that something to help with that choice.  But, in life, most times, early on, you may not have that REFERENCE.  And in this day and age of 50/50 social media (50% true/50% false), the philosophy of “trust, but verify”, is even now more prevalent as ever as a skill that needs to be re-enforced with young minds.  If you are seeing the landscape today, “trust, but verify” and utilizing proper REFERENCE for information and choices is vital in our society.  I like to look at the value of having good information in one word – and that word is, REFERENCE, and I use the rollercoaster analogy to share my thoughts.  It goes like this when thinking about REFERENCE, ROLLERCOATERS and choices:

Who would you believe the most and want to draw information, experience and reference from to make a decision?  Someone who has ridden the rollercoaster or someone who has not ridden it, but provides loud or sometimes THE LOUDEST commentary, as if they have?  If I haven’t ridden the rollercoaster myself, my life experience has always pointed me in the direction of relying on seeking out the source that HAS ridden the rollercoaster.  They know.  They can provide accurate reference, detail and information.  They can provide proper insight, knowledge, insight and empathy.  If they are not of the selfish nature.

REFERENCES.  Make sure yours is solid.  Knowing your source and receiving reliable information leads to good choices.  It’s a skill you must maintain in your ride on the rollercoaster of life.

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