jcmor83 – Gen-Xer:  September 11th 2001.  9/11 as we know it.  A day our country was attacked on its’ homeland and American lives were taken by evil forces.  For me, 9/11 is one of those days where it is engraved in my mind where I was, what I was doing and what happened after.  At the time, I was living in Northern Va and working 5 miles from the Pentagon, which was a part of that days attack.  Most people are aware of the events of that day but fast forwarding to the after is what I want to focus on with Unity.  I can honestly say that the level of UNITY I felt with most everyone I came in contact with after 9/11 was another something that made me proud to serve my country.  There was a feeling like that of those in the raft….”hey, we are in this together” and you could feel most people responding to that.  It was a good place where we were with civility towards each other.

Whether during a crisis or when building or being a part of your team in your school, on your job, etc.,..when you have UNITY, you have something STRONG.  “Strength IS in UNITY”.  But, If there is one improvement, I would like to see more of is that UNITY should not have to always occur when something bad happens.  Just remember this one.  United we do stand.  Proven in history.  Divided we do fall.  Proven in history.

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